Leo Constructions has made progress over time and, combining tradition and innovation as well as attention to safety in the workplace. We aim to meet the highest standards of quality when undertaking work, whilst at the same time showing responsibility and respect towards to environment and the entire community.
In order to reach perfection, Nature does not cheat, but proceeds slowly step by step, creating perfect and functional shapes.
In over fifty years of activity, we have utilised our experience to reach perfection, thus generating a new concept of building.
Our meticulous attention to detail when building and, the attentive selection of excellent materials that have been strictly tested, along with the dedicated team of technicians who fulfil any demands made by our customers, all come together in unity to achieve stylish and beautifully constructed buildings.
When a team work together on a daily basis, it is certain they will face difficult moments, success, obstacles, and satisfaction. They must give their utmost efforts remembering their basic values that are essential for day to day work.
Commitment to quality, respect for the environment and safety are the core values that inspire Leo Constructions.
The final product is an outcome of a series of phases, therefore the company has put into action at all stages of work harsh quality scrutiny in order to maintain strict company policy at all levels, hence the precise achievement of all planned goals.
The environment
Our policy for quality and the environment guarantees customer satisfaction and meets the demands of the involved parties (internal and external to the company), whilst at the same time for the improvement of environmental sustainability every step from technical, administrative and practical impact is constantly monitored, scrutinised and kept under strict observation.
Since the beginning safety has always been one of the key objectives here at Leo Constructions. The implementation of strict control processes for managerial and operational activities allows the work on site to flow effectively and efficiently in compliance with current safety laws.
The task of every company and manager is to pursue a greater interest than a simple individual profit. An interest that can be confirmed with the identification of one's role in the company, supporting those activities that improve people's life and gaining people's trust.
Leo Constructions has always supported local social activities by sponsoring or supporting projects that promote culture, sport and the environment.
UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
Environmental management system
UNI EN ISO 45001:2018
Health and safety management system in the working environment
Nome Cognome
Direttore Area Clienti